Are you a first-year student applicant?
First-year students are those who have earned a high school diploma or the equivalent by the time they enroll at Penn State. These applicants include high school graduates attending other regionally accredited colleges or universities who have attempted fewer than 18 semester hours, and individuals who have enrolled in other institutions before graduating from high school, regardless of the number of credits attempted. High school students who have attended Penn State on a non-degree basis are considered first-year applicants.
Get a 4-year degree close to home.
Penn State Brandywine offers the advantage of a small, intimate college setting, allowing students to get a 4-year degree close to home. Our students also have the opportunity to transition to University Park, joining over 40,000 fellow undergraduates for their final two years.
At Penn State Brandywine, we're not just a campus — we're a community. Join us and experience being part of a Big Ten University at the campus closest to you! We are Penn State.