As one of Penn State’s most diverse campuses, we appreciate and respect differences in race and ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age and life experience, nationality and language, and physical capabilities. Diversity, equity and inclusion are central to our obligation and commitment as a public institution of higher education to provide effective teaching for all people in our communities.
Diversity refers to the numerical representation of faculty, staff, and students who hold different social identities, backgrounds, and experiences.
Equity requires attention to disparate impact, differential access and opportunities afforded to various communities, as well as structural and systemic barriers that limit potential and possibilities.
Inclusion refers to the respectful treatment of all people with recognition for the multiplicity of identities and perspectives present in a diverse community.
We will incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion assertively into our research, teaching, learning, outreach, assessment, operations, and decision making. We will foster and sustain an environment of respect and inclusion for faculty, staff, students, and members of the communities we serve; creatively provide programs and environments that embrace diversity that promote the acceptance and valuing of differences; be steadfast in our efforts to ensure equitable access to our facilities, programs, resources, and services; and advance our workforce by attracting and developing talented faculty, staff, and students from diverse backgrounds.